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Why use Airfil background

Save up to 50% on packaging materials

Reduce storage space by up to 90%

Clean, dust free, recyclable

High strength allows reduction in outer packaging thickness

Simple to operate - no training required

High quality & low maintenance

Range of film type and sizes

Biodegradable film option

Custom printed pillows option

WorldPay Payments Processing

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Grey Mailers 525mm x 600mm

Available in 16 different sizes, our mailing bags have been designed to provide quality, mail security and performance that you can trust.

Grey Mailers 525mm x 600mm



525mm x 600mm


Pack of 500

Price £50.00


These bags are made using a medium duty polythene, containing over 90% recycled polymers (and pigments) and contain a biodegradable additive. Our mailers are recycled and recyclable and come with a strong permanent self-seal lip – once there stuck they’re stuck.

Bullet Point

90% Recycled Polymers & Pigments

Bullet Point

Medium Duty Polythene

Bullet Point

Contains a Biodegradable Additive

Bullet Point

100% Opaque

Bullet point

40mm Permanent Self Adhesive Strip

Bullet point

100% Recycled

Bullet point

100% Degradable

Bullet point

Weatherproof, burst and puncture resistant